All but the brown shirt

by Komencanto Eterna

September 28, 2022

CW: nazis, anti-semitism, ableism

I grew up with Nazis. Of course they claimed to not be, but with every aggressive salute I saw through the veneer and could tell that I wasn't welcome. You claimed to be my friend. I claimed to be yours. We both lied. You will never accept me. I will always be afraid of you. There is no full healing.

When I say Nazis I'm not talking about those who wore brown shirts. No, the ones I interacted with were slimier, weaker, and had less of a backbone. They hid their hatred under layers of irony. However many were needed to not be punished, and instead get laughs. It’s just a joke, stop taking it so seriously. There is no full healing.

No one ever stood up. No one ever stood up. We watched them salute. We watched them praise Hitler. We heard them yell about "ze jews". No one ever stood up. It’s just a joke, stop taking it so seriously. There is no full healing.

Yes send me another video of Hitler. Yes remind me of how good of a public speaker he was. Yes you are very funny. Yes we are friends. Yes scream in my face about how autistic and retarded I am. Yes. Yes. Yes. No one ever stood up. It’s just a joke, stop taking it so seriously. There is no full healing.

Hey. Remember how during our last conversation you said that Palmyra wasn't that bigoted. Well I found out the truth: you're the bigot. You made our school less safe for me, for queer people, and especially for Jewish students. I was scared and petrified because of you. Because you wanted to constantly play nazi. If all you do is play nazi then you aren't playing anymore, you just are. Self-reflect, learn, and leave Jewish people alone. Fuck off with that Nazi shit. Yes. Yes. Yes. No one ever stood up. It’s just a joke, stop taking it so seriously. There is no full healing.


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