When I was a boy they gave me a test "He's covered in steel" they said "He'll make a great strong warrior one day" Throughout my life, they tried to mold me They heated me up, bent me, dowsed me in water, and repeated A sledgehammer to my shell In my insides, the test found clay To make me more malleable, they scraped it away They tried to rid the clay It was scooped away from by torso and brain Until null but a hollow boy remained As I aged I began to rust Others saw this as terrifying, and for a time I did too, but eventually I realized it was me inside My steel disintegrated It was only a shell to protect my clay To bad it was already scraped away Only terracotta remains I am left a shell of my former self I lack the insights my misidentified shell was trying to protect And I lack the iron armor people (including I) saw me by I am left a terracotta warrior Shaped to fight, but hollow inside A ghost of my past self But though my head and torso may be empty my footing is solid My hands are solid and I won’t let them stop My fingers are solid and they’ll stain these keys I may not be strong But I'm ready to fight For my insides that I can't know And the dust of my brothers
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